What are the Best Morning Stretches?

Morning stretches - beatphysicaltherapy.com

What do you do each morning after you wake up? Everyone has a morning routine, even if you didn’t consciously design one. You get out of bed, grab a cup of coffee, open the blinds…and then what? Do you do anything physical before you begin your day? You should! A few morning stretches to increase the flexibility in your muscles and joints, improves circulation, removes tension, and even helps to prevent stress.

You spend all night long laying in bed. In order for your body to transition to being physically active in the morning, you need to get your muscles and joints loose again! Stretching in the morning relieves the uncomfortable feelings that sleeping may cause on your body. After all, laying down for eight hours can do a number on anyone, whether they have preexisting conditions or not. Especially if you have back pain or other ailments you’re working with a Columbia, MD physical therapist to alleviate, stretching can yield many positive benefits.

Easy morning stretches

These stretches don’t need to be difficult and certainly shouldn’t be dangerous. Tomorrow morning, give a few of these a try:

#1 Shoulder Stretch
To do a shoulder stretch, raise your right arm to shoulder height, and point it across the front of your body. With your left hand, pull your right arm closer to the body and hold it. Do this for both arms, three to five times for 30 seconds each. This stretch will help to ease shoulder pain, but also strengthen your flexibility.

#2 Calf Stretch
To ease any sleeping pains in your feet, hips, and knees, the calf stretch is a great place to start. With your feet planted into the ground shoulder-length apart, stand with your hands against the wall or a chair. Slow and steady, lean into the wall or chair, keeping your knees straight. Do this three to five times, holding it 30 seconds each time.

#3 Quad Stretch
To do a quad stretch, stand with your feet together, bend your right knee, and place your right foot backward. Using your right hand, grab your foot, keeping your knee even, and your hips straight. Repeat this movement to the left side of your body. Do this for both legs, three to five times for 30 seconds each. This stretch is great for easing bodily stress, as well as improving circulation.

#4 Standing Side Stretch
Your core, spine, and lower back get twisted and stiff as you lay in bed for eight hours straight. A standing side stretch loosens your body back up again so you’re ready to take on the day! Simply raise both hands over your head and grab the other. Then, lean over to one side while pulling, which will help to loosen the muscles between your core. Do this three to five times for 30 seconds each time.

As you can see, these aren’t hard to do, yet they’re incredibly beneficial. Don’t let your focus on health and healing fall by the wayside during this troubling time. Our physical therapy telehealth services are available right now in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic. This is just one way we show how much we care about our Columbia, MD area, Covid-19, or no!



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